El presente artículo busca presentar en forma somera algunos derroteros de la Comunicación/Educación en Chile (CECh), desde la década del setenta hasta fines del 2013. Tratándose de un breve texto resume solo algunas tendencias. Asume que la CECh debe entenderse en el contexto de...
In the 1990s there was no actual research concerning young people’s use of the internet, which meant that safety advice tended to be underpinned by assumptions and speculations. It was common to disseminate horrific stories about the internet, pornography, sexual offenders and vulnerable children....
A resource guide on the rights of the child general comment no.12 published by Save the Children UK on behalf of Save the Children and UNICEF (2011).
Fostering dialogue in societies torn apart by ethnic conflicts is a contribution to peace-building processes in general and to reconciliation, trauma healing and positive changes in particular. This article lifts up some of the media initiatives of organisations in the Great Lakes Region that...
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a human rights treaty setting out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. The Convention defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless...
Posted at 09:37h
Media Development
Media Development 2014/1
The Family in the Information Age
2014 marks the twentieth anniversary of the IYF, providing an opportunity to focus on the role of families in society today, to review current challenges, and to recommend new directions. And in today’s information and knowledge societies, the...