Posted at 14:32h
Media Development
Jan Servaes
“The jury is still out on the Chinese dream. It is the favored slogan of the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Xi Jinping, who took over as paramount leader in early 2013. Even for hardened apparatchiks, it seems...
Posted at 14:04h
Media Development
Hans W. Florin
Religious icons had no prominent place in my life until, in the late 1980s, I sat alone in the chapel of a Romanian Orthodox Monastery. It was an overcast winter day, the dim reflection from the snow outside...
Posted at 13:53h
Media Development
Seán Ó Siochrú, Sally Burch, Bruce Girard, Michael Gurstein, Richard Hill
What does the way the Internet is run have to do with development or social justice? Isn’t it just for technical specialists, making sure everything works properly? Well no, actually.
Posted at 13:38h
Media Development
Anthony B. Pinn
The poetic quality of music and the imaginative style of lyrical expression have given African Americans ways to describe and critique life arrangements within a society always on guard against challenges to the status quo. Over the course of...
Posted at 13:26h
Media Development
Samira Rajabi
Not long ago, few media consumers could truly name a time in which they witnessed a real death in the media. Of course, with mass media proliferation, most of the developed world has been exposed to some degree of...
Posted at 12:50h
Media Development
Itunu Bodunrin
Hip-hop in South Africa has been on a roller coaster ride since its emergence as a protest tool among non-white youths against apartheid in the early 1980s. Although the collapse of apartheid in the early 1990s opened up an...