The Wikimedia Foundation announced that its new open access policy will ensure that all research work produced with support from the foundation will be openly available to the public and reusable on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia sites.
Posted at 23:03h
WACC Caribbean
Roderick Sanatan passed in his homeland Trinidad and Tobago on Monday 16 March 2015....
The Board of Directors of the World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) has appointed Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter to a second term as WACC General Secretary.
Posted at 14:45h
One Year Projects
« Des millions de femmes sont invisibles. Aidez à les rendre visibles! » Avec ce slogan provocant, la WACC a lancé une campagne de crowdfunding à l'appui du Projet mondial de monitorage des médias (GMMP).
Posted at 19:31h
WACC Caribbean
Sony Estéus passed in his native country Haiti on March 2nd 2015 at the age of 50.