By September 2015 the member states of the UN have to agree on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to combat poverty. The process started with various reports of different stakeholders, in which recommendations for a follow-up framework were...
The Department for International Development (DFID) in the United Kingdom works with youth groups to study young people’s rights and realities. What follows is the executive summary of a report published in 2013 looking at what should follow the Millennium Development Goals.
The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have represented a crucial framework in international development since their establishment in the year 2000. Two of their key strengths have been their ability to articulate complex development challenges in eight clear goals (while, at the same time, offering indicators...
When earthquakes hit Kathmandu, the only thing everybody wants to do is to communicate. Everyone wants to make sure their family members and friends are safe. This first-hand report of local conditions was published on WACC’s web site within days of the first...
The latest buzz word in the “war against terror” is leading us down a blind alley, argues Jeremy Seabrook. It epitomizes a line of thinking that will do little to stop young people seeking purpose in religious fundamentalism....
“Comunicación mundial significa: liberar el espacio para atar el tiempo,” afirma Norbert Bolz en su libro Comunicación Mundial.1 Está convencido de que esta nueva situación a nivel global ha pulverizado dos elementos básicos de la vida social: el espacio y el tiempo. Es lo...