Posted at 00:18h
Media wars can easily get personal. Today the name of the game is Showtime! Ratings trump sober facts and inconvenient truths. Fox News offers foxy entertainment; The New York Post offers sensationalism; the gutter press epitomised by the likes of the...
Portfolio includes revitalising WACC’s public profile, partnerships in Europe, as well as ongoing governance and membership issues.
Posted at 00:15h
At the end of 2018, an astonishing statistic was published by CIVICUS Monitor, a research collaborative effort that rates and tracks respect for fundamental freedoms in 196 countries.
Posted at 00:01h
Freedom of information, including the right to access information held by public bodies, is crucial to democracy, good governance, and good citizenship.
Posted at 20:45h
Sobering words for those who still believe that information and communication technologies (ICTs) are the panacea for the world’s ills. In “Developing Countries Losing Out To Digital Giants” (IPS News, 17 October 2018), Jomo Kwame Sundaram and Anis Chowdhury write:
Posted at 01:35h
Communication used to be singular. A letter, a newspaper, a radio or television program. It was a largely one-way, edited version of certain parts of reality. Today, communications are plural: a non-stop barrage of texts, sounds, and images from all directions and at all times....