The theme “Democratizing Communication, Rediscovering Solidarity” suggests that there is an essential link between people’s capacity to communicate their concerns and aspirations and their ability to bring about greater political and social justice.
We know already that Putin’s savage, criminal, and inhuman war on Ukraine was...
By Victor Pickard
The democratic world faces a wicked problem. Information and communication systems that people rely on for many facets of their daily lives have become increasingly antidemocratic, causing profound harm across the globe. The technologies driving these systems – aimed primarily to extract data...
By Nicole K. Stewart
“Metaverse” is an excellent word to describe the year 2022. Over the past few months, Disney hired a metaverse executive, J.P. Morgan opened a virtual lounge in Decentraland, Epic Games and Lego partnered to construct a kid-friendly metaverse, and ten post-secondary institutions...
By Anne Foerst
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since the 1960 when it first appeared. When reflecting on modern AI, there are several ethical questions that come to mind. The first, most obvious one, is how to deal with the loss of jobs...
By Amal Tarazi
Ramallah-Palestine: Digital technologies are presenting exciting opportunities to facilitate the emergence of a stronger and more inclusive civil society. Around the world, active and large-scale efforts are being made to harness the full potential of digital technologies to mobilize civic action at the...
[caption id="attachment_47459" align="alignnone" width="1600"] Journalists at work in the media centre at COP26 as French president Emmanuel Macron addresses the conference’s World Leaders Summit. Glasgow hosted the United Nations climate change conference, where world leaders gathered to negotiate a response to the ongoing climate crisis...