Posted at 22:12h
WACC North America
This timeless story of the role of women in the Christmas event is also a story on communication as mission. This is a story about God becoming Word and moving into our midst. “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the...
Posted at 10:30h
Reportaje del proyecto Periodismo Ciudadano para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos implementado con el apoyo de la WACC y del Otto per Mille de la Iglesia Valdese.
“Invisible Walls and Barriers” explores some of the political, social, cultural and technological impediments to freedom of expression in today’s world.
Posted at 14:35h
WACC Latin America
Después de veinte años, la investigación en 114 países revela que sigue existiendo una enorme disparidad entre la representación de las mujeres y los hombres en los medios de comunicación.
After 20 years, research in 114 countries reveals continued severe disparity between representation of women and men in news media.
After 20 years, research in 114 countries Reveals continued severe disparity entre representation of women and men in news media ...