Posted at 00:35h
Media Development
At the end of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process, which culminated in two international gatherings at Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005), Annabelle Sreberny lamented “the tension between WSIS and the ‘real world’ politics of gender where the ongoing...
Posted at 00:26h
Media Development
Cada cinco años desde el 1995, centenares de personas a través del planeta nos hemos dado cita para analizar cómo se representa a la mujer en las noticias de radio, prensa escrita, televisión y (en el monitoreo de 2009/10) en internet. Cada vez lo hacemos...
Posted at 00:16h
Media Development
Los y las periodistas tienen la posibilidad y la responsabilidad, desde su tarea cotidiana, de contribuir a la modificación de estereotipos e imágenes negativas, mutando a construcciones que permitan ver a todas las personas como ciudadanas con iguales derechos y como protagonistas...
Media monitors at work in Senegal. Photo: FAMEDEV
Communication is a key factor in tackling Gender Inequality. It can play a crucial role in empowering people to challenge gender norms, promote gender justice and positive relationships among all genders. For gender activists and advocates the challenges...
Posted at 23:55h
Media Development
Almost twenty years after the Women Empowering Communication 1994 conference,1 communicators return to Bangkok in December 2013 to consider questions about gender equality and women’s empowerment in and through the media. This year’s meeting, dubbed the Global Forum on Gender and Media...
Posted at 23:49h
Media Development
“Media pluralism is the key that unlocks the door of freedom of information and freedom of speech.” – Miklós Haraszti.1