Clemencia Rodriguez (Colombia/USA), Seán Ó Siochrú (Ireland), Parminder Jeet Singh (India)
The fictional portrait below of Nelly and her family living in a media and digital world is based on research conducted by the authors as well as secondary sources. The reality of the struggle for...
Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami
The Global Digital Compact upholds “gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls and their full, equal and meaningful participation” as a core principle for digital cooperation [para 8(d)]. The extraordinary complexity of our times, which the digital phenomenon...
Daya Thussu
As the world marks the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel and its bloody aftermath, it is worth reflecting on the way this ongoing conflict has been covered by the US-dominated international media and compare it with media attitudes towards another contemporary...
Robert Hackett,
with Farrukh Chishtie
“Pretend you are God.” – Editor’s advice on how to write like The Economist.1
In a confusing and turbulent world, many readers, presumably seeking comprehensive and reasonably objective international news, turn to The Economist (TE). It’s a venerable self-described newspaper, in weekly magazine...
Kiran Hassan
The Council of Europe defines the role of media in conflict situations and wars as critical to providing the public with accurate and timely information. It suggests that the supply of trustworthy news and images contributes to the protection of civilians and conflict prevention...
Venice (Italy) 2024
The 13th INTERFILM Award for Promoting Interreligious Dialogue has gone to Quiet Life directed by Alexandros Avranas (France, Germany, Sweden, Greece, Estonia, Finland).
Motivation: “Quiet Life” is not always quiet at all. A family is seeking asylum, which is unfortunately denied. The rejection results...