Posted at 02:00h
Climate Justice,
The climate emergency is a challenge of such magnitude that we tend to forget that solutions are often found at the local level and in unexpected places.
Such is the case...
Constructive journalism has an important role to play both within and without conflict situations, editor Philip Lee says in the 3/2024 issue of Media Development, WACC’s quarterly journal.Such communication can...
Posted at 08:00h
How to regulate social media platforms effectively has become the quest of liberal and illiberal governments alike. The one to eradicate hate speech, and the other to control rebellious populations.
Media Development 2024-3
Communication in Conflict Situations
Exploring the notion that constructive journalism can engender greater understanding by those on the outside of the situation, as well as greater trust by those...
Peter Prove
The first casualty of war is truth. This familiar adage has been attributed to many authors, from Chinese military strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu (c.544BC – c.496) and ancient...
Deutsche Welle
Rousbeh Legatis is a peace and conflict researcher, former UN correspondent and international consultant on the role of journalists as actors in conflict transformation processes. In a 2019 interview...