02 Aug 2021 The public sphere
World Bank The idea of the public sphere is normative. It is an ideal of good and accountable governance. Its requisites are free flows of information, free expression, and free debate....
World Bank The idea of the public sphere is normative. It is an ideal of good and accountable governance. Its requisites are free flows of information, free expression, and free debate....
By Pradip N. Thomas Jantar Mantar is the location for public protests in Delhi. It is a site at which literally scores of major protests have taken place – the Right...
By Deepti Bharthur and Ankita Aggarwal “Because of the greatness of our city, the fruits of the whole earth flow in upon us,” proclaimed Pericles, one of the founding figures of...
By María Soledad Segura In addition to the old problems of public communication in Latin America, such as media systems concentration, limited access to public information, attacks on press workers, etc.,...
Par Jorge Guachamín Llerena Los acontecimientos de la protesta en octubre de 2019 y la pandemia del Covid-19 revelaron el impacto de la inclusión digital y cómo ha ido modificando el...
Par Monica Montalvo Mendez y Suleica Pineda En México se han identificado más de 800 conflictos socio-ambientales generados por proyectos mineros y energéticos en los últimos doce años: presas, gasoductos, eólicas,...