What the MacBride Commission might have to say “about inclusion, exclusion, and social progress in the world taken over by digital technologies of all kinds” is the focus of the latest issue of Media Development, WACC’s quarterly journal, according to its editor Philip Lee, who...
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Media Development 2021-2
Revisiting MacBride: Communicative Justice Today
If the 1980s MacBride Commission were to sit today, what might its members have to say about inclusion, exclusion, and social progress in a world taken over by digital technologies of all kinds? Experts...
By Philip Lee
Those familiar with the history of the 1970s New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) and the 1980s communication rights movement will remember the name of Seán MacBride as the chairperson of the International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems, which produced...
Kaarle Nordenstreng and Juan Somavia
This article is an extension to the video presentation at the online conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) in its final plenary. It reminds us of the origins of the MacBride Commission and provides an insider’s...
Stefania Milan
Forty years have elapsed since the publication of the ground-breaking MacBride Report. In terms of technological innovation, however, it might as well be ten times as many years. Since then, a great deal has changed in both media practice and public discourse. This article...
Cees J. Hamelink
Forty years ago, I edited one of the first critical commentaries on the MacBride report. In the preface I stated that it is a challenge “to see the Report only as a step in a broader process and as an invitation to further...