Posted at 11:48h
WACC Europe
The European Region of the World Association for Christian Communication condemns unequivocally the attack on the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris on 7 January and reiterates its support for press and media freedom.
The terms of citizenship and social life are rapidly changing in the digital age and no issue highlights this any better than privacy, according to a report from the Washington, D.C.-based Pew Research Center.
Posted at 09:39h
WACC Latin America
Esta es una época para compartir y festejar la vida
Posted at 09:26h
WACC Latin America
Bienvenida a los terrenos de acción de WACC - Latinoamérica...
Posted at 12:09h
Communication must be lifted up as a fundamental human right and communicators called to practise an ethics of freedom and accountability.
Posted at 10:26h
One Year Projects