[caption id="attachment_42257" align="alignleft" width="190"] MD 2022/1[/caption]
Media Development 2022-1
This issue of Media Development asks what do social justice and social injustice look like in the digital era, especially for marginalized people and communities? In what ways has the digital era changed the notion of public space?...
Ellen Ueberschär
When did you discover your communication rights? Your right to get transparent and trustworthy information, your right to read the texts that are meaningful to you and to share your own thoughts with others or to make them public?
I can tell you when I...
By Dennis Smith
Since time unremembered, humankind has used language, gesture, and other symbolic systems to create meaning in common. And from these distant beginnings to today’s social media platforms, competing power elites have struggled to control access to and dictate the terms of distribution of...
By Heinrich Bedford-Strohm
If Christian faith is about bringing the gospel into dialogue with life, if we as the church have the task of reading the signs of the times, as the Second Vatican Council has told us to do, and if we can only fulfil...
Association for Progressive Communications
The human rights implications of the gender digital divide are that women are excluded from participating fully in public and social life, and as such are unable to fully exercise their human rights, online and offline. The gender digital divide exacerbates existing...
Working Group
An international working group prepared the following paper for the symposium on “Communication for Social Justice in the Digital Age”, which took place in Berlin and online September 13-15, 2021. It sets out an understanding of public space today, outlines what issues are at...