Posted at 12:37h
Understanding Global Warming of 1.5°C
Intergovenmental Panel on Climate Change
A Special Report by the IPCC on "the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate...
Posted at 09:27h
Climate Justice,
On November 5, 2021 WACC will join hundreds of organizations around the world in a 24-hour Video Marathon, Hands Off our Rights, Hands off our Planet!, which will take place during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow. The climate summit will be held...
A WACC-supported project will train about 90 women, young people and persons with disabilities in the use of digital media to enable them to have their voices heard and increase their access to information in disadvantaged communities in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
With Western-style education and the Internet taking over traditional learning processes in many parts of Costa Rica, the Indigenous people of the Cabeca nation, in Talamanca province, have expressed concern about threats to Cabecar culture and language, including their broad cosmovision.
A WACC-supported project, La antena...
Posted at 00:00h
The last time a working journalist won the Nobel Peace Prize, Europe – and eventually nations around the globe - were on the brink of World War II. German editor Carl von Ossietzky won the prize in 1936, “for his burning love for freedom of...
The Philippines has been identified as one of the top 10 countries most at risk from the effects of climate change, and yet millions of marginalized Filipinos who will be hit the hardest are not aware of it, according to the Center for Environmental Concerns...