The U.N.’s member states have to agree by September 2015 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) intended to combat poverty, notes Julia Duchrow in the latest issue of WACC’s Media Development quarterly.
In the latest issue of WACC’s Media Development quarterly, Fackson Banda, a program specialist in UNESCO’s Communication and Information Sector, analyzes one of the goals and targets related to media in the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Posted at 16:45h
WACC Caribbean
El capitulo Caribe de la Asociación Mundial para la Comunicación Cristiana (WACCCaribe) exhorta a los Gobierno de la República Dominicana y de Haití para que trabajen para evitar una crisis humanitaria en la frontera que ambos países comparten, de producirse las repatriaciones masivas de inmigrantes...
In one of its country reports, Article 19, the London-based organization that promotes freedom of information worldwide, has profiled the current environment for disabled persons in Lebanon.
WACC’s General Secretary, Rev. Dr. Karin Achtelstetter is among a select number of experts invited to take part in a seminar titled “United Against Violence in the Name of Religion: How do Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression Coexist...
Posted at 11:40h
One Year Projects