By Gretchen King
This article reviews the challenges and opportunities for communicating about Palestine with the goal of promoting civil society actions that centre Palestinian human rights.
Four generations of Palestinians have resisted the communication apartheid imposed by the Israeli occupation. The most recent attacks by the...
Par Fiona Moghaddam
La radio a perdu 300 000 auditeurs et auditrices depuis fin 2020, plus de deux millions par rapport à l’an passé d’après les derniers chiffres de Médiamétrie. Du jamais vu, en partie dû à la pandémie de Covid-19 mais pas seulement. Entretien avec...
Nyon (Switzerland) 2021
An interreligious jury, appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS has participated at the Festival Visions du Réel in Nyon (Switzerland) since 2005. The jury includes a representative of INTERFILM and SIGNIS and a member of Jewish and of Muslim faith.
The jury awards a feature-length...
WACC Latin America holds forum on ‘Latin America – a neighbourhood on the move’
On July 23, 2021 communication experts shared their work in defence of the right to migrate from a communication rights perspective during the online forum “Latin America, a neighbourhood on the move:...
by Helen Wu
Working at WACC and on the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) was a very meaningful and informative experience. I learned about what communication rights meant on a deeper level.
I also found out how communication rights affect different countries around the world because those rights tie into...
Posted at 00:00h
“The dominant forms and uses of digital technologies and the Internet endanger democracy. They undermine the indispensable resources of trusted information, in-depth analysis, rational debate, and diversity of representation that allow us to fully understand the challenges we face.”
To tackle these limitations, a coalition of...