Dr. Sarah Macharia, WACC Programme Manager for Media and Gender Justice, presented a workshop at the Religion Communicators' Council (RCC) convention in Indianapolis, which ran from April 4 to 6, exploring the concept of critical media practice.
Cultural Survival, an organization that partners with indigenous peoples to defend their lands, languages and cultures, announced it will be hosting a webinar on April 8 on the topic "Community Radio and Indigenous Language Revitalization."
Posted at 18:41h
The International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) recently posted news about a book edited by IAMCR members Elisabeth Eide and Risto Kunelius that looks at the journalistic challenges of writing about climate change.
IFEX, a Toronto-based network...
The Research Centre for Gender, Family and Environment in Development (CGFED) in Vietnam announced it has produced a new Vietnamese-language training resource on gender-sensitive journalism. ...
The Global Ethics Forum 2013 will take place on 27 and 28 June 2013 at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. WACC is a partner with Global Ethics. ...